发布日期:2020-06-29 作者: 小m
Shop!零售营销及广告展示大赛(简称Shop! 大奖赛)始于1958年,发展至今超过60年历史,并在全球23个国家,发展演变为一年一度的赛事。Shop! 大奖赛是零售实体店、零售展示道具和市场营销项目的评比大赛,给予杰出作品及精英企业的世界级肯定,是零售营销、卖场广告及展示界的最高荣誉。
Shop! Awards Contest, which originated in 1958, now becomes an annual retail industry event around the world. Inherited from POPAI Awards, the Awards Contest is the Benchmark for Marketing at Retail and P-O-P (Point-of-purchase) Advertising/Display Industry. It recognizes worldwide excellence and rewards industry’s best practice in Marketing at Retail and P-O-P Advertising/Display. With more than 100,000 products and projects participating globally, it is a testament to the sales capabilities of numerous retail corporates, as well as an enhancement of brand image and credibility.
获奖项目:Shop! 全球大獎赛WINNER-成都仁禾市集
Award:Shop! Global Awards 2020 - Chengdu Gather Market
获奖项目:Shop! 大中华区大奖赛金奖-石家庄多鲜笙活超市
Award:Shop! Greater China 2020 - Dosilife Supermarket, Shijiazhuang
获奖项目:Shop! 大中华区大奖赛铜奖-天津华润万家(新城吾悦店)
Award:Shop! Greater China 2020 - CR Vanguard (TianJin Jinnan WuYue Plaza Store)